Thursday, October 20, 2011

raindrops keep fallin on my head

early this week i spent a few hours trying to tear down our garden. there were still green and red tomatoes to be harvested as well as parsley, basil and onions.  i tore all the tomato cages away from the plants and stored them behind the barn. the strawberry plants were weeded in preparation for adding straw for the winter mulch. then began the task of clearing out all the other vegetation and pulling the balance of the tall grass that had grown up, well, everywhere. oh my it was hard work. i started out standing and stooping over to pull and then eventually sat right down in the garden to save my back. i made a little progress but knew it would be much easier work if i waited for a little rain. and it has rained every day since!

sitting there in the garden pulling weeds i daydreamed about the garden i will plant next year -- the heritage seeds i want to plant so i can save seed for the next year, the wood poles i want to build for growing sugar snap peas, the new sod i want plowed for pumpkins and gourds. the list goes on and on. but mostly i thought about dreaming and setting goals and reaching. i've learned it's not healthy to become complacent or comfortable with yourself or your life.  when i let myself become stagnant i was unhappy with everyone and everything, but really mostly with myself. with this farming gig i've given myself permission to learn as i go, make mistakes and yes even fail. so let the rain stop so i can get back into the garden where the weeds will now be much easier to pull.

and for your listening pleasure, here's the theme song from the movie butch cassidy and the sundance kid -- love that movie and wasn't robert redford a total hunk??!!

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